반응형 Movie47 Shirlock Holmes (셜록 홈즈) 씨너스에서 관람. 개인적으로 흥미진진하게 봤다. 조폭 또는 멍청이 캐릭터가 출연하지 않기 때문에 국내관람객이 좋아할 스타일의 영화는 아님. iPhone 에서 작성된 글입니다. 2010. 1. 26. 지구가 멈추는 날(The Day the Earth Stood Still,2008) The original film of this movie was in 1951 with same sci-fi title. The synopsis maybe slightly changed. The story is very boring and gives many vague messages. In addition to an attempt to give a lesson to audience, there is no certain relationship between cause and result. The alien Klaatu (Keanu Reeves) realizes that there might be a hope for the human to recover mistakes and gives a chance i.. 2008. 12. 25. 트와일라잇 (Twilight, 2008) The word "twilight" means the faint light or the period of time at the end of the day after the sun has gone down. Actually, I cannot understand the exact mean of this title. There could be an implication like a sort of fact that vampires dislike light. With this movie, I get some knowledge about vampire. - Even vampires have their own races (or tribes). - Some vampire tribes are vegetarian. - L.. 2008. 12. 22. 영화:맥스 페인 (Movie:Max Payne,2008) The story of this movie Max Payne is based on the game that has a same title released in 2001. Max Payne, who is a detective in NYPD, tries to find a murderer who killed Max's wife Michelle and daughter. As time goes, he is isolated from his coworkers because of the trap designed by his dead wife's company owner. The US military has connections with the Aesir Corporation, where Michelle had work.. 2008. 11. 30. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ··· 12 다음 반응형